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Why Doing Less is More – Especially Now

The current state of our world is giving us all the chance to take a step back and reflect on our current way of life – which has proven to be unsustainable. We live in a society where productivity is valued over self-care. When we lack self-care, our immune systems reap the consequences. Therefore, over-productivity is toxic to our health. 


Question for you: When was the last time you just sat on your couch, did nothing, and relaxed? My bet is that it has been a while. If I am wrong, and you make an effort to do this often, then you are on the right track!


These times of idling lower our cortisol levels; Cortisol is our stress hormone that suppresses our immune function. Have you ever gotten sick from being stressed? Well that is why! 


However, being calm is easier for some than others. In order to protect our hormones, our bodies, and our minds during this pandemic, we need to enforce calming practices into our lives. So, if you are one prone to stress, CBD is a great, all-natural way to calm your central nervous system and help you to return to homeostasis. When we are in homeostasis, all of our bodily functions are both working properly and strong.


Some of my favorite CBD products for combatting stress, and the ones I am consistently recommending that my clients use, are Revive’s Full-Spectrum CBD oil, CBD Sleep Oil, and CBD bath bombs. I will briefly explain each product and why/when I use them below:


  1. Full-Spectrum CBD Oil 5000 MG – I take 1 serving (1 ml) every morning upon waking. This starts my day off on a calm note and helps ward off any anxiety. I will also use it throughout the day, if needed, to help with stress, anxiety, or pain/inflammation. 
  2. CBD Sleep Oil 1000 MG – I take one serving (1 ml) every night, 20 minutes before going to bed. This is the only supplement I have ever used that gets me to sleep and keeps me asleep!
  3. CBD Bath Bombs – I love soaking in the tub with the lavender CBD bath bomb. It soothes any muscle aches and tension and helps me relax. Better yet, take a lavender CBD bomb bath before bedtime and pair it with the CBD sleep oil. You will sleep like a baby!


Although we don’t always have control over what happens in our external world, we can control how we respond. The best way to respond, for our overall health and vitality, is to take care of ourselves and manage our stress. Eat well. Sleep well. Behave well. And supplement well – using CBD. 


Respond, don’t react.